SHOUTcast Radio Hosting, Internet Radio, Audio Streaming, AutoDJ Radio Servers > Knowledgebase > Internet Radio Streaming Tutorials > How to connect Barix to SHOUTcast / Icecast
1.) Plug in the power supply to the AC outlet, but DO NOT plug into the Barix at this point, just have the DC connector ready.
2.) Connect the Barix Instreamer to your router using a network cable.
3.) Connect the headphones to the Barix Instreamer and put them on your head.
4.) Get the pen and paper ready because you will need to write down an IP number in a moment.
5.) Plug the DC connector into the Barix and listen to the headphones. Wait a few seconds and then you will hear a number, this is the IP address, write it down. If you missed the number, pull the DC connector back out, wait 30 seconds and repeat the process
6.) Enter the IP Address into the browser address bar, this will then display in your browser the Barix Instreamer Device Status page.
7.) Click on CONFIGURATION and then next click on STREAMING.
8.) In the box 'Own Name' enter your station name, this name will be displayed on the player to the public.
9.) In the box 'icy-url / SIP user' enter your website, for example ''
10.) In the section 'Stream to', line 1, 'Conn. type', select 'Shoutcast or Icecast'
11.) In the section 'Stream to', line 1, '' enter server address, you can find it under quick links in your Centovacast control panel. For example, if it is Icecast you need to include /stream for your mount point.
12.) Go to the bottom of the page and click 'Apply', the device will restart, you need to wait 4 seconds.
13.) Go back to horizontal list of menu options near the top of the page and select 'SECURITY'.
14.) In the box 'Ice/Shoutcast' enter the Source password for your Ice/Shoutcast account, then go to the bottom and click 'Apply', the device will restart, you need to wait 4 seconds.
15.) Apply your audio feed to the RCA/Phono inputs on the Barix Instreamer
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