Free Internet Radio Station - Free Shoutcast

Create your own Internet radio station!
Your listeners will be able to tune in through almost any media player, such as Windows Media Player, Winamp, iTunes and Quicktime Player to name a few. We make it easy to broadcast your own Internet radio station.

Want your own radio station ?

Start up your own online radio station now!
SHOUTcast servers with some great extras!
Prices starting only from $3.99/mo .

Start your FREE Internet Radio Station !

For the first time, you can open your own Internet Radio Station for free . Didn't you always dream about your own radio station? RCAST.NET is a revolutionary new service that allows you to open professional online radio station.

RCAST Control Panel

Demo Control Panel

Try our fantastic control panel

Username : demo
Password : demo

Full management of your own radio station

You have the full management of your own radio station.
Get your own website with an address that will allow the whole world hear your radio broadcast LIVE! And many other features that will make your radio the BEST RADIO STATION EVER!

So what are you waiting for?

Become a successful radio broadcaster in any field of intrest you like: 24 / 7 Music, current matters, news station, comic & entertainment and more...
Radio stream whatever you want!

FREE Signup now!

We DO, we offer free radio hosting:

Up to 32 kbps audio quality
Max 50 listeners
FREE 2GB Monthly Bandwidth